Polack Food Bank

We are pleased to announce that the food bank is open again for in-person shopping! After pivoting to a pre-bagged model in 2020, the return of in-person shopping is a wonderful milestone for our team and community. If you are looking for ways to be involved with the food bank, we hope you’ll consider becoming an on-call volunteer to help as needed.

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Polack Food Bank Hours

Wednesday: 10:00 a.m. – Noon
Thursday: 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Friday: 10:00 a.m. – Noon

More Details

The Polack Food Bank is a member of the Seattle Food Committee and operates on a consumer-choice model. This means that people select the food they prefer from among the available choices. Typically, people choose from multiple varieties of canned fruits, vegetables, tuna, soup and beans as well as fresh produce, eggs, lean meats and dairy. As with all food banks, we cannot guarantee the quality of food distributed, although our goal is to distribute nutritious food of good quality.

The Polack Food Bank is located on Capitol Hill in Seattle at 16th Avenue and E. Pine Street, across from the 7-Eleven. Contact us at fb@jfsseattle.org or (206) 461-3240.

Learn More About the Polack Food Bank

    • Kosher Food Bank
      JFS offers Kosher food for families who keep a kosher kitchen. Expect to take home about 25 pounds of groceries including perishables. Kosher foods are distributed during our regular food bank hours. While no advance registration is required, contacting the food bank team in advance of your visit is recommended.
    • Jewish Holidays

      During both Passover and the High Holidays, special holiday food is available to those who celebrate. If you keep a Kosher kitchen, or have other dietary needs, please let our food bank staff know.

    • Frequency of Visits
      Visitors can access our food bank on a one-time per week basis.
    • ID/Intake

      All visitors to our food bank will need to complete an intake during their first visit. ID will be requested to expedite the intake process and it is helpful if you come prepared to show your ID, though it is not required at this time.

    • Closures

      Jewish Family Service observes all Jewish holidays as well as most federal and state holidays. This means that the agency and the food bank will be closed in observance of those holidays. Every effort is made to give one full month’s notice for a closure by posting our closure dates at the front door of our food bank.

      In the case of inclement weather or a natural disaster, the food bank may be closed. We follow the Seattle Public School’s weather closure schedule, so if schools are closed we will be closed as well. If you need more information, please call (206) 461-3240.

    • Food Bank Action Plan

      To improve the health of our community and to help end hunger, we are committed to goals that promote food justice in our community. Read the Polack Food Bank Action Plan.

    • Current Facts and Figures

      Learn more about the facts, figures and needs of the Food Bank with this fact sheet.

    • United Way & Statistics

      Jewish Family Service of Seattle is a United Way of King County recipient agency. Once a year, we submit statistical information to United Way. This includes results of a customer satisfaction survey. All Food Bank visitors are asked to complete this survey once a year. Each month we are asked to give basic statistical information about Food Bank usage to one of the agencies from which we receive free food and to the city of Seattle. Names are not included with any of this information.

    Funding for this program is supported in part by the City of Seattle Sweetened Beverage Tax.
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