Project DVORA
Domestic Violence Services

Project DVORA works with survivors of domestic violence, specifically intimate partner violence. We help survivors who are currently involved in an abusive relationship, actively exiting an abusive relationship, or still experiencing abuse from a previous relationship (for example, co-parenting with an ex-partner). Survivors can click the “Get Help” button below to reach out to us. If it is safer for you to call an advocate, you can leave a voicemail anytime at (206) 861-3159. We do our best to reply to voicemails and online submissions within 48-72 hours (during business days), but due to the high volume of callers, we are not always able to reply to every voicemail. Our DV advocates are available for live phone calls on Tuesdays 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. and Wednesdays from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.

If you need to speak to an advocate immediately, you can call the 24/7 DV Hopeline, servicing King County, at (206) 737-0242 or use the live chat feature on the DV Hopeline website.

Our program also strives to guide and empower the community in responding to domestic violence. We offer prevention programs and trainings to local schools, rabbis, and other community leaders. If you are interested in a prevention program tailored to your setting, please click the Get Help button below to get connected with our staff.

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Meet Rebecca Mather, Project DVORA Outreach and Prevention Coordinator

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What is Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior that one person in a relationship uses to gain power and control over the other. Abuse is not caused by anger, mental health problems, alcohol or other drugs, or other common excuses. It is caused by one person’s belief that they have the right to control their partner. Learn more about power and control at the National Domestic Violence Hotline’s web site.

Most people assume that domestic violence is only physical abuse, but domestic violence can include financial abuse, social isolation, manipulation, emotional abuse or other forms of control. Visit the National Domestic Violence Hotline’s web site for more help in identifying abuse.

Facing Domestic Violence

I pushed aside the uneasiness, telling myself he was harmless...

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Domestic Violence Advocacy

Domestic violence advocacy is a form of support based on what you need to feel safe and stable. A domestic violence advocate can help you navigate the challenges of being in a current or past abusive relationship.

Advocacy comes in many forms: It might include identifying strategies to increase your safety. Or it might involve support in navigating systems. For example, your advocate can help you apply for unemployment or Social Security income. Advocacy might include housing support, whether that’s assistance in applying to subsidized housing or help with finding an affordable apartment (JFS does not have our own shelters or transitional living programs).

Your advocate will support you based on what you identify as your next steps towards safety and stability. For more information, please see FAQ for Survivors below.

Support Groups

Support groups are facilitated by advocates. They provide a space where you can learn more about domestic violence, learn coping strategies for trauma, and connect with others who may have had similar experiences.

We offer a virtual support group bi-annually where attendees can learn more about narcissistic abuse and connect in a confidential space with other survivors of intimate partner abuse. During this 1-hour session, survivors learn about the red flags of narcissistic behaviors and manipulation tactics as well as strategies on how to detach and heal from these abusive relationships. 
In this session, survivors examine excerpts from the book, “Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare: How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself” written by Shahida Arabi.
If you are a survivor of intimate partner violence and are interested in attending a future support group, please click the Get Help button below and mark interest in support group.

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Legal Support

Our advocates can help you navigate the legal system. Some examples of what we can help with include:

Intake Process

If you are interested in working with an advocate, please click the Get Help button below. Our intake coordinator will complete an assessment with you to ensure that we are available to offer services that are helpful to you. If we are unable to offer you support, we will do our best to connect you with other community resources.

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Our Outreach & Prevention Coordinator can help Jewish community organizations with Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) education, intervention, and prevention. Some examples of what we can help with:

See more about teen prevention and healthy relationship resources.
For questions or scheduling, reach out to

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FAQ for Survivors

FAQ for Community Members, Friends & Family Members

More Information

  • Safety Tips
    • Talk with friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, rabbis or lay leaders. Let them know what’s happening and brainstorm ways they might be able to help.
    • If possible, have a phone accessible at all times and know what numbers to call for help. Know where the nearest public phone is located. Know the phone number to your local 24-hour domestic violence hotline. If your life is in danger, call the police.
    • Plan the easiest escape. Decide on a door or window to exit quickly and safely.
    • Teach your children how to get help. Instruct them not to get involved in the violence between you and your partner. Plan a code word to signal to them that they should get help or leave the house and go to a neighbor.
    • Practice how to get out safely with your children.
    • Make a habit of backing the car into the driveway and keeping it fueled. Keep the driver’s door unlocked and others locked, for a quick escape.
    • Move away from the kitchen, bathroom or any place where there are dangerous or sharp objects.
    • Try not to wear scarves or long jewelry that could be used to strangle you.
    • Create several plausible reasons for leaving the house at different times of the day or night.
    • Make a plan for times when you are at work. You may want to speak with your employer about changing work locations or hours, or alerting security or reception staff to your situation.
    • Prepare an emergency bag. Put together a bag that includes money, copies of house and car keys, medicine, and copies of important papers such as birth certificates, social security cards, immigration documents, marriage certificate, court orders, and health insurance information. The bag can also include extra clothes, important phone numbers, or other things you need if you have to leave your home in a hurry. If you prepare an emergency bag, have a place in mind where you can safely keep it such as at the home of a trusted friend or family member.
    • Tell your children that violence is never right, even when someone they love is being violent. Tell them that neither you, nor they, are at fault or are the cause of the violence, and that when anyone is being violent, it is important to stay safe.


    Get Help (206) 861-3159

  • Am I In An Abusive Relationship?

    Does my partner…

    • Regularly criticize, shout or call me names?
    • Withhold approval or affection as a form of punishment?
    • Throw objects near or at me?
    • Humiliate me in private or public?
    • Dismiss hurtful comments as jokes?
    • Display irrational jealousy or accuse me of imagined affairs?
    • Isolate me from family and friends?
    • Control where I go?
    • Control my access to money?
    • Abandon me in strange places?
    • Ridicule or insult my most valued beliefs or religion?
    • Ridicule or insult my race, class or sexual orientation?
    • Threaten to commit suicide if I leave?
    • Threaten to hurt someone I love (i.e. family, friends, pets etc.)?
    • Hold me against my will, push me or lock me out of my house?
    • Destroy my personal belongings?
    • Punch, shove, slap, bite, kick, burn, choke, hit or force/pressure me to have sex?


    If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, Project DVORA is here to help.


    Get Help (206) 861-3159

  • Jewish-Specific Resources
    • Shalom Task Force is a confidential hotline for Jewish survivors seeking culturally specific support around domestic violence. (888) 883-2323
    • Get ORA (Organization for the Resolution of Agunot) advocates for survivors of domestic abuse who are struggling to receive their get.

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